In Vienna on Saturday, those who are 75 years and older have been called to book an appointment for a Corona vaccination. People registered with the vaccination service received a letter and SMS info that they can now register for immunization.
In addition, all previously self-registered high-risk patients between the ages of 60 and 74 were informed that they can book a vaccination appointment starting next Wednesday. A total of 77,500 appointments will be available from April. 57,500 doses of vaccine have been made available for the 75 and older age group (born 1946 and older), according to the office of Health City Councilor Peter Hacker (SPÖ).
Accordingly, 20,000 vaccination appointments have been reserved for high-risk patients born between 1947 and 1961. “People who fall into this age category but are not high-risk patients are exempt from this vaccination campaign,” the newsletter stressed.
Appointments online or by phone
Booking an appointment is possible online at or by phone at 1450. Online, one must log in with email address and password. For those born in 1946 (or earlier), the vaccination campaign “SeniorInnenaktion 75+” is available even without pre-existing conditions or high risk. The other people contacted select “high-risk group 60 to 74 years”, the city informed those concerned.
The booking can also be made for another person who meets the respective criteria. “Actively inquire with your relatives, acquaintances or neighbors if they are aware of this vaccination campaign,” stated in the letter. People in the groups contacted should not book an appointment only if they have already received an upstanding vaccination appointment or vaccination, or if they have had covid-19 in the past six to eight months.
— source:
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